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You want the best supplements that you can buy. And why not? You deserve the best. The supplement market is filled with products that don’t perform as promised or the dosages are so low that you don’t get the results you need to get back into your workout regime.
There are dozens of ‘exotic’ stimulants that supposedly boost your body’s ability to recover from stress and workouts with one of the newer supplements being Turkesterone. Turkesterone has rapidly grown in popularity amongst the supplement community in recent years but it’s often asked if it does everything it promises.
So let’s check out Turkesterone and see if it’s worth the hype and the money you spend.
Turkesterone: What Is It
Turkesterone is a compound that is naturally found in the plant Ajuga Turkestanica which has a long history of medical use involving anabolic, adaptogenic, and hypoglycemic activity. This is more prevalent in the countries of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan for soothing stomach and muscle aches while being used as a preventative medicine for heart disease.
Turkesterone is related to 20-hydroxyecdysone which is the same compound found within AML Ecdysterone. So what’s the difference between the two?
They are both compounds found within Ajuga Turkestanica, accounting from .2% to .4% of the dry weight of the plant. Research has shown that these compounds can aid with:
– Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects
– Aids in the healing of wounds
– Support and boosting of the immune system
– Reduced hyperglycemia in rats
Research by medical and scientific professionals have shown that most of these effects are due to the presence of ecdysteroids.
These effects of Ajuga Turkestanica make the plant worth checking out for its own sake, but with more advertisements popping up saying you can get swole just by using this product you’ll want to know what you’re getting into.
- Companies are pushing Turkesterone as the main focus for these products as a muscle growth supplement and there’s a reason for it, it’s close to testosterone which builds an air of familiarity with the substance due to the similar sounding words.
- Ecdysteroids are what allow for growth in plants and insects and have a steroid that provides the backbone to support said growth.
- Pure Turkesterone (as well as ecdysteroid rich extracts) have been found to have an increased anabolic, muscle building effect on the body.
- Ecdysterone (And Turkesterone) have been shown to have anti-stress effects which promotes mental health and, inadvertently, the bodies ability to produce muscle.
- Activates the notch receptors in skeletal muscle tissue which helps stem cells create new muscles.
Perhaps one of the most compelling reasons why Turkesterone and Ecdysterone are so highly sought after is the more than 2,000 published studies showing that Turkesterone has a greater anabolic effect than methandienone.
Though the effects of Turkesterone are highly promising there are a few things to note about it that you should keep in mind before you hit the gym.
- There are currently no human based studies on the effects of Turkesterone, all current studies have been performed on animals and cell cultures in labs. This means there is no promise that results will translate 1 to 1 in humans.
- Most supplements are underdosed: Many companies who sell Turkesterone are selling products that are underdosed for human use and do not contain the levels of Turkesterone promised. Around 40% of any given supplement is Ecydsteroids and most of that is not slanted towards Turkesterone, but Ecdysterone.
- Amongst the greater amount of products on the market that actually give you pure Turkesterone, only 20% of the actual product contains Turkesterone so you’re not getting the dosage needed for your workouts.
- On average, if you want a proper dose you would need eight grams a day if you weight 180lbs.
Knowing where you get your products from is key to ensuring that you get what you paid for. Settling for products that only give you a fraction of what is promised means you’re wasting your money and time.
In Conclusion
While studies show promising results for Turkesterone, it’s not a 1:1 ratio for the results reported in tests to the results produced in the human body. Results show that oral consumption of Turkesterone is safe and most effective when combined with resistance training.
Get your supplements from a trusted source. Head to our Turkesterone page and pick up the most potent and pure supplements on the market! Don’t just get fit when you could be SWOLE!
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